Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This last week I have come to the conclusion that Addie has hit that stage where she gets into EVERYTHING. The other day I was showering with the door open because Addie was awake and I really needed to shower! Usually she will come in an want to either jump in with me or just chat a little. Well she was being very quiet, so I peeked out of the curtain and Addie had removed the rug in front of the sink and slid the chair up to the sink. Luckily it was a clean sink for once. I yelled Addie what are you doing and than finished up my shower. I watched her put the chair back lay the rug out and totally made it look like she was not guilty of anything as if she didn't touch one thing mom. At least she cleaned that one up by herself. Lets see I was smart and gave her the whole ziploc of goldfish the other day and she decided it needed dumped all out on the table. If she ever goes into the kitchen I am afraid for my kitchen and anything anywhere. Yesterday she decided to pour a bowl of cereal for herself. I accidentally left the cereal box on the table, bad mistake. She forgot the bowl so just decided to dump the WHOLE box of cereal on her highchair tray. At least it was not the floor. Today when we got back from the store I was hurrying to get dinner ready so I just put the groceries on the table. Addie decided she wanted to help and dumped pretty much the entire carton of eggs on the kitchen floor. The good side to this is now my kitchen floor is pretty and moped! Yay. She has spent quite a bit of time in time out and in her room lately! These troubles don't bother me too much but the constant whining that she has done this last week is driving me nuts!! Please tell me she will get over this whiny stage and soon! Lets just say Aunt Kimmy is babysitting tomorrow so Mommy and Daddy can escape the whine for just a little. She always wants to watch a movie. First it was Tangled all the time than she switched to Lion King. But this week it has been Finding Nemo she says it Nimo. She will seriously watch it all day 5 times if I would let her. We are potty training officially now! Wow I don't know how that works. We have got to the point if I remember to take her every couple of hours she will go. I don't know when it will get to the point where she will actually say she needs to go potty and she still has yet to figure out the number two! YUCK. I made Darrell clean it up a couple days ago. He just wants to throw away any panies that get gross. She has officially been in only a pull up at night, Not even during naps for 3 weeks now.


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