Weight: 7lbs 1oz
Length: Hospital says 17 inches but we measured 18.5
Development: She is a perfectly healthy little baby girl! They said she pinked up super fast and that is a great sign! She likes her sleep right now, nursing has been alright she still is no pro... still working on it! Her PKU test came back good so we are set to go!
September 13, 2010
Weight: 7lbs 5.5oz 45% She left the hospital at 6lbs 8oz so she has gained a good 12 ounces!
Length: 19 inches 35%
Head: 35 cm 57%
Development: Addie is getting a little more awake still sleepy though. She sleeps pretty good at night only waking up two times. Her 2 week newborn screening went good. Nursing is even better we can at least accomplish it.
November 1, 2010
Weight: 10lbs 15oz 54%
Length: 23in. 76% No wonder she has been eating more! She is having a huge growth spurt!
Head: 38.5cm 45%
Development: Holy Cow has she gotten big in the last two months. Addie is starting to wake up every three hours at night, we think that is due to her growth spurt.. she needs more food now. She has such a personality now! Loves her changing table especially in the mornings. She will smile and coo for you for about an hour straight. On October 12th was her first smile while being awake! It was so cute I got her out of her play pen and laid her on the bed. She was just so content so I said "Darrell look at her." So he turned around to face her and she just gave him the biggest grin ever! Now she is just a doll and loves smiling! She is a strong little girl she will not sit, most of the time she wants us to hold her up in a standing position. She can almost fit into size 1 baby shoes its crazy! She is going to be a tall girl or else may just have some big feet?? ha ha She loves going on walks and being in her carseat! We have a good baby! She spoils us! And we are so grateful for it!! Oh sad thing: she got shots today at her doctors appointment... before her doctor came in she was smiling at "her friends" ... on the wall! She cried and then whimpered all the way to the car. I felt so bad!
January 5, 2011
Weight: 13lbs 9oz 50%
Length: 24.75 in 61%
Head: 40.5cm 38%
Addie is getting so big! She definitely knows who her Mommy and Daddy are. She smiles all the time. She cant roll quite yet but is attempting to. She can roll while on the bed if she is trying to find something to eat but that is all. She likes to blow bubbles while talking, very chatty sounds like she is whining which sometimes is true but other times she is just having conversation. This last month she got a cold and had a fever, not a happy camper thats for sure! Its sad to see her so sick. Her shots were not quite as sad this time as her last ones they didn't affect her but instead she got a nasty diaper rash that was not pleasant! Oh yes, Addie has started giggling not all the time but sometimes. Its so funny!
March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
Weight: 15lbs 8oz 42%
Length: 25 in 25%
Head: 42 cm 38%
Addie can now sit up all by herself as long as she doesn't get too excited. She is constantly chewing on her fingers but still no teeth yet! She giggles quite a bit but it comes with the sound "am I suppose to be enjoying this?" She laughs when playing peek a boo. She is eating rice cereal and some baby food but not very consistent. Addie had an ear infection when we got home from the doctors. She does not like taking her medicine on some nights and other nights she loves it! What a silly girl.
May 2, 2011
Weight: 17.2 lbs
Length: 26 Inches
Addie is 8 months old! We have some official stats because I ended up taking Addie to the doctors to make sure she was not sick. She tends to spit up a lot more now, I guess its just wiggling too much after eating a lot.
Addie is a little crawler. Her crawl is not on her knees though she pulls herself with her arms everywhere. This week May 8-14 She has finally figured out how to sit back up after being on her tummy.. Thank goodness, It was crying every two seconds before and I would have to go sit her up. Addie has quite the Addie "tude" now ... she eats her baby food like a pro and now wants all of our food! She will whine until she gets her way. A bite of our ice cream or whatever else we may be eating. Addie can drink from a straw! It is so cute to see it. Some times she gets so much that it all ends up down her shirt, but she does know how to suck it up. Addie loves laughing at mommy or daddy dancing or making funny faces.
June 07, 2011
Weight: 17lbs 8oz 27%
Length: 28 in 67%
Head: 44 cm 52%