Friday, March 12, 2010

February 21, 2010- First Doctors Appointment

I sign papers alot lately with my birthdate so I started dating the paper and when I write February 21 im usually writing 1989! From today 1989 was exactly 21 years ago for me! Today was my 21st Birthday. This week has been a pretty eventful week! Darrell came home Monday from his Dad's Funeral and let me tell ya how greatful I am that he is home! He got in at 7:30 in the morning and we slept until 1:30 in the afternoon. Its funny because I had already slept all night, but he had not.

Darrell had no school on monday so we were lazy most of the day and just vegged, AKA, we are couch potatos! Not much happened the rest of the week. Boy, it was a long week though. Darrell spent late nights at school studying he had three tests, thurs, fri, and saturday.

Friday at 2:30 I had my first offical doctors appointment. Darrell came with me and we got in really fast. They did a bunch of labs and stuff but the most important part was hearing the babies heartbeat! It took her awhile to find it at first, all we heard was my heartbeat once she found the baby heartbeat it was super loud and really fast. Darrell smiled really big when we first heard it! Its crazy how much more realistic it seemed after that. I'm Sure it will be even better when the baby starts really growing and I can feel it actually move! I got a baked potato from Wendy's on the way home and now im addicted to them!

This is my bruise from getting my blood drawn! Two weeks later


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